[Qt-creator] Xcode 5 no longer has GDB included. Ramifications?

André Pönitz andre.poenitz at mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de
Thu Sep 19 22:16:35 CEST 2013

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 08:41:45AM -0400, Michael Jackson wrote:
> I was out at Apple's Developer ready to download and try out Xcode 5 and
> was looking through the release notes when I came across this little
> line:
> https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/
> WhatsNewXcode/Articles/xcode_5_0.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012953-SW8
> ***** Important: Xcode 5 does not support use of the LLVM-GCC compiler
> and the GDB debugger. Existing projects configured to use LLVM-GCC and
> GDB will be reconfigured to use the LLVM compiler and LLDB debugger when
> opened by Xcode 5. Please file a bug using bugreporter.apple.com for any
> issues that prevent you from moving to Xcode 5 for this reason.  *****
> Will QtCreator work with LLDB? Last I heard it does not. At least the
> 2.8.2 version that I am using.
> Any updates/thoughts/embellishments on this would be great.

In theory, 2.8.2 has some "experimental" LLDB support covering basic
stepping, simple local start, populating most of the debugger views etc.

If it doesn't work _at all_ for you, please file a bug report, including
version of LLDB and a full debugger log. I am currently using some "179.5"
version that came with earlier XCode, and a "300.0" build from source.

There's quite a couple of open issues related to not-yet-implemented
functionality already, and I intend to address a bit of that until 3.0
beta, but I doubt we will have feature parity with GDB/Linux at 3.0 release

As usual, any help is welcome. Currently most pressing issues are mostly
grunt work, adding a few parameters here and there, stuff that's easy to
get started with, "just" needs to be done, but quite a bit of that ;-}


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