[Qt-creator] Creator Can not locate Qt Headers

Michael Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 18:20:54 CET 2014

On Nov 17, 2014, at 11:27 AM, Michael Jackson <imikejackson at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Nov 17, 2014, at 10:59 AM, Nikolai Kosjar <nikolai.kosjar at theqtcompany.com> wrote:
>>> On Nov 14, 2014, at 3:34 AM, Nikolai Kosjar <nikolai.kosjar at theqtcompany.com> wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>> Please check what the Code model gets as input from the Project
>>>> (managers):
>>>> 1) Open a file with unresolved includes
>>>> 2) Open Menu: Tools > C++ > Inspect C++ Code Model
>>>> 3) There, switch to the "Project Parts" tab and the sub tab "Header
>>>> Paths" - check that the includes are reasonable, especially that there
>>>> is sth. like ${PATH_TO_QT_INSTALL}/5.4/gcc_64/include/QtCore 
>>> Most of the include directories for my project are missing.
>> This looks like a bug or un-implemented feature in the CMakeProject
>> (manager).
>> Please file a bug report at https://bugreports.qt-project.org/ against
>> the component "Project & Buildmanagemant".
>> Nikolai
> I created a "Qt Console" project and took a look at the Include paths and the difference that I found was that in the listing there is the following:
> /System/Library/Frameworks (framework path)
> /Library/Frameworks (framework path)
> /Users/Shared/Toolkits/Qt-5.3.1/lib (framework path)
> where-as in my CMake based project those same directories are listed as:
> /System/Library/Frameworks (framework path)
> /Library/Frameworks (framework path)
> /Users/Shared/Toolkits/Qt-5.3.1/lib (include path)
> So there is the difference. Where can I tweak a setting in the .cbp file to entice QtCreator to load those paths as "framework" paths? This would at least let me figure out where the problem needs to be corrected (If it ever will be).
> Thanks
> Mike Jackson

And just to follow this up a bit I decided to take my self built Qt 5.3.1 out of the equation and load everything using the download from qt-project.org. These same problems also appear so it really does appear there is a problem with detecting frameworks on OS X, using CMake as the base system to generate all the build files.

this sort of amazes me in the fact that there must be _nobody_ using Qt5 + CMake + QtCreator to build their applications. No wonder OS X doesn't get any love on QtCreator.

Mike Jackson

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