[Qt-creator] Crash QtCreator using a simple json-based wizard

Axel Jäger axeljaeger at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 23 22:17:26 CET 2015


today I tried to port over an existing xml-based project template to the new
json-based wizard engine.


I was not successfull: My wizard makes QtCreator crash and I dont know why.
Attached you will find my wizard stripped but still making my QtCreator
crash. The second file, templatefile.json is just an empty file to have at
least one generator file in the wizard. 


The crash occours when stepping from the first to the second page of the
wizard, e.g. after entering the project directory.


Can anybody confirm my crash and give hints how to circumvent the crash?


Best regards,


Axel Jäger

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