[Qt-creator] Clang Code Model completion not working

Nikolai Kosjar nikolai.kosjar at theqtcompany.com
Tue Mar 1 17:09:40 CET 2016


On 02/28/2016 12:11 PM, Andrzej Telszewski wrote:
> Hi,
> Qt Creator: 3.5.1
> OS: Linux
> ...
> Unfortunately, the completion does not work for me, that is, there is
> neither pop-up for functions, classes nor the class members.
> Have I misconfigured something?

If you already see diagnostic warnings from libclang, then that's unlikely.

Please create a bug report with answers to:

1) Does it work with current Qt Creator snapshots? Snapshots are 
available at http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qtcreator/master/latest . 
If it fails, the remaining questions assume that you use the snapshot 

2) Does it already fail for a main.cpp of a "Qt Console Application" 
(from Creator's wizard)?

3) Start Qt Creator from a terminal as follows, trigger completion and 
wait for a while. What's the generated output?

   $ QT_LOGGING_RULES="qtc.clangcodemodel.ipc=true" ./qtcreator


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