[Qt-creator] starting debugger cdbengine for abi x86-windows-msvc2015-pe-32bit for over 2 minutes

Riitta-Leena Miettinen Riitta-Leena.Miettinen at qt.io
Tue Sep 6 14:26:24 CEST 2016


We have some instructions in the Qt Creator Manual here:

·         http://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-debugger-engines.html#installing-native-debuggers

·         http://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-debugger-engines.html#setting-cdb-paths-on-windows

Did you find those sections and is there some additional information you would like to have added to the Manual?



From: Qt-creator [mailto:qt-creator-bounces+riitta-leena.miettinen=qt.io at qt-project.org] On Behalf Of Bob Self
Sent: Montag, 5. September 2016 12:20
To: David Schulz <David.Schulz at qt.io>
Cc: qt-creator at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Qt-creator] starting debugger cdbengine for abi x86-windows-msvc2015-pe-32bit for over 2 minutes

I kept trying to figure out what was going on. I had concluded that it had something to do with Microsoft's symbol server. Using tcpdump I could see that it was doing things. So, I shut down that day to think about it. The next day I tested it again and there was no delay. My internet connection was fast on both days. So, I think that the problem is resolved. I did not know that you can turn on the debugger log. I'll do that if this happens again. I also tried to store the symbols locally, but not sure that I've done that correctly. I do see my symbols in the directory specified and Qt's symbols, but no Microsoft symbol files.

On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 2:09 AM, David Schulz <david.schulz at qt.io<mailto:david.schulz at qt.io>> wrote:

Hi Bob,

could you paste the content of the debugger log ( Window -> Views -> Debugger Log ) at http://creator.pastebin.com. Please also enable the verbose option in the context menu of the log.

I guess the delay is caused by a symbol server. CDB might want to collect the symbols of the rebuild modules from there which can take some time. All relevant information should be in the log mentioned above.


On 02-Sep-16 19:56, Bob Self wrote:
Thank you. I was only running Windows Defender. I disabled it and tried things again. Now it seems to take about 25 seconds to step into the first line in main(). I did make a difference (much less than 2 minutes). But I remember it being almost instantaneous a few days ago. If I re-debug without doing a rebuild it is still 'instantaneous'.

On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 1:36 PM, Pascal COMBES <pascom at orange.fr<mailto:pascom at orange.fr>> wrote:
    Did you try disabling the antivirus? This behavious is often due to
    Best regards,

PS: Politeness takes no time and is greatly appreciated.

Le 02/09/2016 à 19:22, Bob Self a écrit :
> I'm running Qt creator 3.6.1 based on Qt 5.6.0 (MSVC 2015, 32 bit) on
> Windows 10. I'm debugging a simple test program.
> It seemed to be working OK the last time I used it (maybe 2 weeks
> ago). Today I'm finding that the debugger can take up to 2.5 minutes.
> It displays this during that startup delay:
>         "starting debugger cdbengine for abi
> x86-windows-msvc2015-pe-32bit”
> If I stop the debugger after it finally starts and then immediately
> debug the program again, there is no noticeable delay. But after I
> clean all/rebuild all the 2 minute delay re-appears.
> Does anyone know what's causing this?
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