[Qt-creator] Deploying to Android device fails

Jochen Becher jochen_becher at gmx.de
Thu Sep 28 19:18:03 CEST 2017

Hi Vikas,

I downloaded the sdk tools package and replaced the tools directory in
Sdk with the new one. If I run "sdkmanager --list" version 26.0.1 is
shown for tools and when I click on "Start AVD Manager" in Android
device options I get the error message showing version 26.0.1 of the
installed Sdk tools. So I assume I successfully "downgraded".

But I still get the same error message when I deploy the program:

Cannot find the android build step.
Error while building/deploying project HelloWorld1 (kit: Android for
x86 (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.9.0 for Android x86))
When executing step "Deploy to Android device"

And there is nothing like "Project->Android Kits selected->Build
Settings-> Build Android APK", please see attached screen-shot.

Regards, Jochen

Am Donnerstag, den 28.09.2017, 08:27 +0000 schrieb Vikas Pachdha:g
> Hi Jochen,
> You need to downgrade your SDK tools to version 26.0.x.
> Unfortunately, the SDK platform parsing is broken with new SDK tools,
> the fix shall be available with QTC 4.4.1
> Just download the SDK tools from the
> developer.android.com/studio/index.html but do not run “sdkmanager
> –update” the update will get the new sdk tools and TOBOMK one cannot
> downgrade the SDK tools.
> [“AVD manager UI tool is not available in the installed SDK tools”]
> Google remove the UI tool since SDK tools version 26 so if you are
> keen to use the AVD manger native UI tool then use SDK tools version
> 25.2.5 or less.
> ["Deploying Applications to Android Devices" an Ui element "Projects
> >
>     Build Android APK > Details" is mentioned. I cannot find it and
> also
>     the screenshot of the details looks completely different from
> mine
>     which lists "Uninstall previous package", "Reset Default
> Devices",
>     "Clean Temporary Libraries Directory on Device" and "Install
> Ministro
>     from APK" only.”]
> “Build Android APK” 	=> Project->Android Kits selected->Build
> Settings-> Build Android APK
> “Deploy configuration” 	=> Project->Android Kits selected-
> >Build Settings-> Deploy configuration
> When I press the button "Clean Temporary Libraries Directory
>     on Device" QtCreator crashes immediately.
> This option is to clear the temp deployment of Qt libraries. Only
> relevant if you used “Deploy Qt libraries to temporary location” from
> “Build Android APK” settings. But it should not crash, seems like a
> bug. It’ll be great if you can send the stack trace.
> Please note that you can only use Qt 5.6.3 and Qt 5.9 to develop for
> Android as Gradle scripts are no longer part of Android SDK 25.3.0
> and later and to mitigate this the scripts are delivered with the
> aforementioned Qt versions only.
> Google has the tendency to screw up the tooling every now and then
> and keeping up with their pace it kind of challenging. I am trying to
> make the setup process easy and change the Android settings interface
> so that download and setting up the android environment is one click
> task. I hope it’s available soon in future QTC releases.
> Regards,
> Vikas Pachdha. 
> On 27.09.17, 21:10, "Qt-creator on behalf of Jochen Becher" <qt-creat
> or-bounces+vikas.pachdha=qt.io at qt-project.org on behalf of jochen_bec
> her at gmx.de> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I just installed an Android development environment.
> Unfortunately
>     deploying an app to Android devices (physical or virtual) fails.
> Here
>     are some details:
>     1. Building, deploying and running a simple "Hello World" project
>     (including some C++ code) from Android studio works for both
> virtual
>     device on emulator with X86 code and physical ARM device
> connected
>     via
>     USB.
>     2. Installation in QtCreator 4.4.0 looks reasonable: I entered
>     location (/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64), SDK location
>     (/home/jochen/Android/Sdk) and NDK location
>     (/home/jochen/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle).
>     12 toolchains were found and two kits created.
>     The virtual device is displayed (7_WSVGA_Tablet_API_17).
>     Issue 1: AVD Manager cannot be started from QtCreator. Error
> message
>     is:
>     AVD manager UI tool is not available in the installed SDK tools
>     (version 26.1.1). Use the command line tool "avdmanager" for
> advanced
>     AVD management.
>     This is not a problem because I can use Android Studio to create
>     virtual devices and I can start the virtual device from
> QtCreator.
>     3. Building example "calqlatr" works for both Android kits.
>     4. Issue 2: Deploying the example fails:
>     Cannot find the android build step.
>     Error while building/deploying project calqlatr (kit: Android for
> x86
>     GCC 4.9, Qt 5.9.0 for Android x86))
>     When executing step "Deploy to Android device"
>     (Same error message for ARM kit).
>     When I look into Projects / Run Settings the deployment step
> "Deploy
>     to
>     Android device" exists.
>     There is nothing filled into the Run configuration (only empty
>     "Custom
>     Executable" is shown) but I assume that is correct for Android
>     devices,
>     isn't it?
>     Any hints?
>     BTW, is it possible that the QtCreator documentation is wrong? In
>     "Deploying Applications to Android Devices" an Ui element
> "Projects >
>     Build Android APK > Details" is mentioned. I cannot find it and
> also
>     the screenshot of the details looks completely different from
> mine
>     which lists "Uninstall previous package", "Reset Default
> Devices",
>     "Clean Temporary Libraries Directory on Device" and "Install
> Ministro
>     from APK" only.
>     Issue 3: When I press the button "Clean Temporary Libraries
> Directory
>     on Device" QtCreator crashes immediately.
>     Regards, Jochen
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