[Qt-creator] Requesting repos for Connected Creator plugin and telemetry library

Aleksey Kontsevich tantrido at ya.ru
Thu Aug 30 17:40:14 CEST 2018

You need 2 repos - clones of following:
https://github.com/akontsevich/ConnectedCreatorPlugin - the QtC plugin
https://github.com/akontsevich/QTelemetry - the library - QTelemetry name

Best regards,
Linked in  https://www.linkedin.com/in/alekseykontsevich

30.08.2018, 18:20, "Frederik Gladhorn" <frederik.gladhorn at qt.io>:
> On torsdag 30. august 2018 12.55.17 CEST Lars Knoll wrote:
>>  Agreed. Frederik, could you help with creating the required repos?
> I can create the repos. How do you imagine importing the existing code,
> assuming that's the idea?
> Should this be a clone of the existing stuff or fresh repos where we start
> with a review of the existing code bases?
>>  Connected Creator plugin: qt-cresator/plugin-connectedcreator
> I'd suggest: qt-creator/plugin-telemetry
>>  Telemetry library: playground/telemetry
> If this is supposed to become an official Qt library at some point, it should
> probably be something like qttelemetry, but starting in playground would means
> it needs moving and renaming eventually in any case. The closer we can get to
> the final location, the better.
> Cheers,
> Frederik
>>  Thanks,
>>  Lars
>>  On 30 Aug 2018, at 12:50, Tuukka Turunen <tuukka.turunen at qt.io> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  There were no objection to this, request. However, perhaps due to the
>>  summertime the repos were not created.
>>  Let’s make those now and move this code under the Qt project.
>>  Yours,
>>                  Tuukka
>>  From: Qt-creator <qt-creator-bounces+tuukka.turunen=qt.io at qt-project.org> on
>>  behalf of Tino Pyssysalo <tino.pyssysalo at qt.io> Date: Monday, 16 July 2018
>>  at 10.17
>>  To: "qt-creator at qt-project.org" <qt-creator at qt-project.org>
>>  Subject: [Qt-creator] Requesting repos for Connected Creator plugin and
>>  telemetry library
>>  Hi all,
>>  In March this year, I requested a repo for an open source telemetry plugin
>>  for Qt Creator. Now, the plugin has been implemented and I’d like to
>>  request two repos: · A repo for a Connected Creator plugin
>>  · A playground repo for a telemetry library
>>  Description: The Qt Company wants to collect usage data from Qt development
>>  tools. For that purpose, we have developed a general-purpose telemetry
>>  library and a Qt Creator -specific plugin, using the telemetry library. The
>>  reason to collect the data from our users is to learn, how developers use
>>  Qt Creator and other tools, how usage patterns change, how quickly new
>>  features and versions are started to be used, which tools are mostly used?
>>  This information is one data source, helping us to make decisions, how to
>>  further develop our products. In the short run, we believe we will get
>>  valuable information, how to improve the user experience of our products.
>>  The connected creator plugin implements the frontend for tracking the data
>>  from different data sources in Qt Creator. The frontend consists of a
>>  simple UI to enable/disable the plugin, to set logs expiration period, and
>>  to view the data to be transmitted or previously transmitted data (logs).
>>  Currently, the plugin tracks Qt Quick Designer usage only: launch count and
>>  usage time. General platform data is collected by the telemetry library.
>>  This data currently includes compiler details, locale, OpenGL type and
>>  version, Qt version, screen details, Qt Creator version, license type
>>  (evaluation, commercial, no license), and unique id (generated with QUuid).
>>  All collected data is anonymous. No personal data such as project names,
>>  project locations and paths, IP or MAC addresses, email addresses or Qt
>>  Account details are collected.
>>  The data is stored in the backend server, owned by The Qt Company. The
>>  backend is complexly separated from the telemetry frontend and the code
>>  will be provided in The Qt Company
>>  private repo: https://github.com/TheQtCompany/qt-telemetry-backend.
>>  The collected data is cached into a settings file before the transmission.
>>  This allows the user to check, what data is going to be transmitted and
>>  even disable the plugin before any data is actually transmitted. In
>>  addition, data caching allows calculating key values in the frontend
>>  instead of sending each user event to the server separately. This reduces
>>  the network traffic significantly. By default, the cached data is
>>  transmitted to the server once per week. It is possible to log the
>>  transmitted data into the files to verify all the data transmitted to the
>>  server.
>>  The plugin is planned to be completely opt-in. The online installer will ask
>>  the user, if he/she wants to install the plugin. There is no default
>>  selection for the installation, but user must explicitly choose either to
>>  install or not install the plugin. If the user decides to install the
>>  plugin, it can be disabled in Qt Creator settings. The user is able to see
>>  the cached data and before the first transmission, the user can disable the
>>  plugin, even though it has been installed.
>>  More implementation details can be found in Jira
>>  ticket: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-20250
>>  Existing repos:
>>  Connected Creator
>>  plugin: https://github.com/akontsevich/ConnectedCreatorPlugin Telemetry
>>  library: https://github.com/akontsevich/QTelemetry
>>  Responsible: Tino Pyssysalo
>>  Requested repos:
>>  Connected Creator plugin: qt-cresator/plugin-connectedcreator
>>  Telemetry library: playground/telemetry
>>  ---
>>  Tino Pyssysalo
>>  Senior Manager
>>  Product Management
>>  The Qt Company
>>  tino.pyssysalo at qt.io
>>  http://qt.io
>>  The future is Written with Qt
>>  ---
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Best regards,
Linked in  https://www.linkedin.com/in/alekseykontsevich

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