[Qt-creator] Qt Quick Compiler vs qrc files vs project explorer

Benjamin TERRIER b.terrier at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 11:46:55 CEST 2018

Le jeu. 24 mai 2018 à 17:01, Benjamin TERRIER <b.terrier at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am trying the Qt Quick Compiler that comes with Qt 5.11.
> When I enable it in a .pro file (`CONFIG += qtquickcompiler`) then, in the
> project explorer,
> all the qrc files that contains qml of js file are replaced by a cache qrc
> that is located in the build directory.
> For instance if I have `myqmlfiles.qrc`, the project explorer shows
> `<build_dir>/myqmlfiles_myqmlfiles_qmlcache.qrc` instead of
> `myqmlfiles.qrc`.
> Is it a known issue?
> Could it be link to https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-19993 ?

After upgrading to Qt Creator 4.6.2 the issue is still here.

It can be reproduced either by adding "CONFIG += qtquickcompiler" in
the pro file or by checking the "Enable Qt Quick Compiler" checkbox in
the project tab.



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