[Qt-creator] Storing plugin data

Aleksey Kontsevich tantrido at ya.ru
Thu Nov 22 18:28:31 CET 2018

SettingsDatabase Class: https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qtcreator-extending/core-settingsdatabase.html ? Use Core::ICore::settingsDatabase() instance then. If not - create your own SQLite DB and store in QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation) + QStringLiteral("/your_path")

Best regards,
Linked in  https://www.linkedin.com/in/alekseykontsevich

22.11.2018, 19:13, "Davide Coppola" <vivaladav at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I need to store some data for a Qt Creator plugin I am working on.
> Keep in mind that I am not talking about settings, but actual data generated by the plugin.
> I am planning to use SQLite to handle the data, but I am not sure where I should keep the file used to save the database.
> Am I supposed to use some data path returned by QStandardPaths::standardLocations or is there a better/different way for plugins?
> Thanks
> --
> Davide Coppola
> website: http://www.davidecoppola.com
> blog: http://blog.davidecoppola.com
> ,
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