[Qt-creator] Qt Creator plugin API question

Aleksey Kontsevich tantrido at ya.ru
Tue Sep 11 14:29:27 CEST 2018

Hi all,

I need to implement KitDataSource for new ConnectedCreatorPlugin which will be officially shipped with QtC distribution. This data source gather information about   compilers, platforms, target platforms, debuggers, etc used by a QtC user. I've found  ProjectExplorer Namespace documentation (https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qtcreator-extending/projectexplorer.html#namespaces) with classes which contains this information however documentation is still very poor and there are very many classes so it is not quite clear which one to use, how to use and how they are connected to each other. So question is:
 - how better organize these information gathering
 - which classes to use
 - which signals, methods
 - when to gather the information: on a project open, kit setup, etc?

Gould you guide me a little on this please? Thanks!

Best regards,
Linked in  https://www.linkedin.com/in/alekseykontsevich

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