[Qt-creator] Question about "kate/ktexteditor" highlighting implementation in QtCreator

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Cullmann cullmann at absint.com
Sat Sep 22 16:25:30 CEST 2018


>> After a first look it seems that the transition to the KSyntaxHighlighter should
>> be pretty straight forward, just some minor adjustments to the state handling.
>> So let's wait for any kind of licensing decision and we are good to go.
> the relicensing is done in master of
> https://cgit.kde.org/syntax-highlighting.git/
> The next released frameworks 5.50 will include this change, too.
> The Code is now MIT, the syntax definition files are still licensed as before.
> I introduced some defines/cmake switches to disable bundling of the files or
> lookup
> in QStandardPaths to easy bundling of the framework as e.g. static library in
> QtCreator
> or for others.
> see
> https://cgit.kde.org/syntax-highlighting.git/commit/?id=59ddf56f98d95f2562da338cea935ea9bcbcb175
> https://cgit.kde.org/syntax-highlighting.git/commit/?id=ee0aa575255b98d8ba2eaf033e9e5228bcf12968
> If there are any integration questions, API wishs, ..., please contact us ;=)

the initial 5.50 release with all library code under MIT is done.


KTextEditor (aka KatePart) uses the framework now, too, as is.


----------------------------- Dr.-Ing. Christoph Cullmann ---------
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH      Email: cullmann at AbsInt.com
Science Park 1                         Tel:   +49-681-38360-22
66123 Saarbrücken                      Fax:   +49-681-38360-20
GERMANY                                WWW:   http://www.AbsInt.com
Geschäftsführung: Dr.-Ing. Christian Ferdinand
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Saarbrücken, HRB 11234

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