[Qt-creator] edit - qml and mm files - look disabled

ekke ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Mon Jul 5 16:48:50 CEST 2021

Hi Eike,
looked at it a 2nd time before opening a Bugreport.

you're right about the *.mm files - they are disasbled on Android and 
enabled on iOS

but the *.qml files are always disabled (macOS, Android, iOS)

In my .pro the qml files are not placed under +SOURCES - only in a 
special case:









hase there anything changed with QtC 4.15.1 and Qt 5.15 ?
has worked last years for me without disabling qml files


Am 05.07.21 um 10:47 schrieb Eike Ziller:
> Qt Creator shows files as disabled if it thinks that they are not part of the current build (e.g. platform, guarded with some qmake scope like “macos:OBJECTIVE_SOURCES+=foo.mm” but building on Windows).
> If that is not the case, please consider creating a bug report with details (https://bugreports.qt.io/projects/QTCREATORBUG).
> Br, Eike
>> On Jun 28, 2021, at 10:34, ekke <ekke at ekkes-corner.org> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm using QtC 5.14.1
>> In Edit Mode if I open a folder like
>> sources - qml - pages
>> then all entries are listed in grey - like disabled. Only the current file opened in TextEditor is normal (black).
>> sources - cpp and others are always displayed normal (black)
>> same behavior with grey listed files is for iOS .mm files
>> is there a way to change this ?
>> ekke
>> <qtc_files_listed_grey.png>_______________________________________________
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