[Qt-creator] Requiring C++20 for Creator 13

Marco Bubke Marco.Bubke at qt.io
Tue Dec 5 03:24:34 CET 2023


C++ 20 produces much less code if you combine simple structs and emplace_back. Before C++ 20 you have to add a constructor which can easily double the code.

It is a simple feature but can have big advantages.
From: Qt-creator <qt-creator-bounces at qt-project.org> on behalf of apoenitz <apoenitz at t-online.de>
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2023 19:31
To: qt-creator at qt-project.org <qt-creator at qt-project.org>
Subject: [Qt-creator] Requiring C++20 for Creator 13

Hi all.

I'd like to find out whether anyone would be ill-affected in any way
if we'd require C++20 to compile current master branch, i.e. what
will become Qt Creator 13 next spring.

To be clear: That's only about building Qt Creator itself, this does
not affect code build with Qt Creator at all.

So if you are building Qt Creator yourself (or have a friend who does)
and you use (or rather "need to use") a compiler that doesn't support
C++20 out-of-the box, feel free to drop a note here or contact me
in private mail.

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