[Qt-creator] Testing of own plugin

Knut Petter Svendsen knutpett+qtcreator at pvv.org
Thu Jan 26 15:32:11 CET 2023

>> I've added a few dummy tests to my example dummy plugin, as a reference
>> for (one way of solving) the details, that uses the fact that
>> add_qtc_plugin etc does some helpful things when WITH_TESTS is set:
>> https://github.com/e4z9/qtcreator-testplugin/commit/fa8065f580ee5724f8b9afb06e904e1be1c2e343

I'm trying to do exactly the same as you with tst_mytest.cpp, but I must
be missing something because I get
AutoMoc error:
contains a "Q_OBJECT" macro, but it does not include ".....moc"!

But I do #include that .moc file. How do I instruct cmake to moc that file?


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