[Qt-creator] GDB is so slow whendebuggiong QtCreator

apoenitz apoenitz at t-online.de
Sat Jun 22 08:08:15 CEST 2024

On Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 09:51:32PM +0200, Jochen Becher via Qt-creator wrote:
> Hi,
> GDB in QtCreator is not always slow but when I used it to debug
> QtCreator itself (currently in QbsProjectManager) it is so slow on
> updating the local variables - at least that is spinning about 1 minute
> on each step.
> I am not aware of any settings that I did to make it slow. Is there
> anything I can verify? Or is it just a GDB issue?

The "Show QObject names if available" option in the "Debugger->Locals
& Expressions" settings is on by default and can be quite heavy in some
setups, and more on the "nice to have, but not desperately needed" side.

It's mentioned in the tooltip, but I agree this is not obvious, and
I am not really happy with the gain-for-pain ratio here myself.
I guess it's time to make that off by default.

Other options that impact performance are "Debugger->GDB->Use dynamic
object type", and of course "Locals & Expressionsp->Use debugging helper".

What version are you using? The self-build Creator you are working on?


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