[Qt-creator] QtCreator 15RC1: Unable to use %{buildDir} for Deployment settings

Andrzej Telszewski andrzej at telszewski.com
Fri Nov 29 12:40:38 CET 2024


it used to work in QtC 14, however does not work in QtC 15RC1.


Build & Run -> Deployment -> Method: Deploy to BareMetal Device -> 
Custom Process Step

it used to be possible to use `%{buildDir}` variable expansion in the 
`Working directory` field.

However, it does not work anymore in QtC 15RC1.
In the _Variables_ dialog box I only see the selection of _Global 

If I specify `%{buildDir}` for the working directory in the Deployment 
I get created, in my home dir, a directory _literally_ named `%{buildDir}`.

Thank you for your assistance! :-)

Best regards,
Andrzej Telszewski

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