[Qt-creator] Configuring QtCreator for Android.

ekke ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Mon Oct 7 10:11:37 CEST 2024

perhaps you did something wrong.
try to use an empty folder for 'Android SDK location' - then QtC should 
install all for you after hitting 'Set Up SDK'

Am 03.10.24 um 05:05 schrieb Charlie Cornford:
> In Devices -> Android I am getting the following message:
> "Qt Creator cannot find the following essential packages: 
> "build-tools;31.0.0", "ndk;25.1.8937393", "platform-tools", 
> "platforms;android-31", "cmdline-tools;latest", 
> "extras;google;usb_driver", "ndk;26.1.10909125", 
> "platforms;android-34", "build-tools;34.0.0".
> Install them manually after the current operation is done"
> I have installed all of the packages mentioned according to the 
> Android SDK location file path but to no avail. In the details box the 
> following lines remain unticked:
> "Android Platform SDK (version) installed"
> "All essential packages installed for all installed Qt versions".
> I have checked the file system for the missing packages and they are 
> all definitely there. Can you help me with this?
> Regards,
> Charlie Cornford
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