[Qt-interest] is it possible to get a non-changing winId?

Ross Bencina rossb-lists at audiomulch.com
Wed Jun 3 16:38:08 CEST 2009

Hi Denis

> However winId() shouldn't change unless you reparent a widget, or
> hide/show it several times.

OK, well I create it with parent == 0 and then reparent it later. This is 
kind-of necessary because creating the parent is expensive and I don't want 
to do it if the child fails.

> However winId() shouldn't change unless you reparent a widget, or
> hide/show it several times.

This sounds vague enough to be dangerous for my use-case. I guess 
reparenting it is what's causing the problems.

> In worst case you can try create a native window id manually and attach
> it to QWidget with a QWidget::create() function.

Does this _guarantee_ that Qt won't change the HWND? If so, sounds like my 
best option..



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