[Qt-interest] qtconcurrent::run() virtual member methods?

Liam Staskawicz lstask at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 23:46:15 CEST 2009

Hi - I was taking the opportunity of adding timeout functionality to the
QNetworkAccessManager api to experiment with QtConcurrent a bit.  Since
there doesn't seem to be a built-in way to specify a timeout per request, I
thought I'd run each request in a thread via QtConcurrent and call
waitForReadyRead with my appropriate timeout value.  Code looks roughly

QNetworkReply* reply = netAccess.get(QNetworkRequest(url));

QFuture<bool> future = QtConcurrent::run( reply,
&QNetworkReply::waitForReadyRead, REQUEST_TIMEOUT );

but I'm getting the following compile error:

 error: no matching function for call to 'run(QNetworkReply*&, bool
(QIODevice::*)(int), int)'

just for fun, I tried passing a method defined explicitly by QNetworkReply -
::manager() - and that seemed to compile happily.  Any chance this has
something to do with the fact that waitForReadyRead is provided by
QIODevice?  The doc for QtConcurrent::run() is mostly based on a few
examples so I wasn't able to glean too much more from it.

Secondarily, any other better timeout strategies for QNetworkAccessManager
would also be welcome!

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