[Qt-interest] Menu accelerators without the Alt key

Freak . mentalcodes at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 01:10:55 CEST 2009

> So... how do I make the Alt key optional?  In Designer preview, I can press
> the accelerator without using Alt.  When actually running the application,
> Alt is required.  I want the Designer behavior.
> Maybe a simple example will help illustrate my question.  Let's say I have
> a &File menu.  In Designer, I can press "F" to get the menu.  Outside
> Designer, I must either press "Alt+F" or "Alt" and then "F".
Yeah, I'm not sure how it's achieved sorry, Only that I'm looking for the
same behavior as yourself.. I for example have to use "Alt+F" "File" and
"Alt+O" "Open" every time, but as mentioned QT Designer does indeed do as
you say, So it must be possible for Windows or others to achieve the same

Weather it's omitting something Qt is doing i will have to investigate a
little more, But I'm sure there must be a way to do this, and Designer show
it to be true, If i have any luck tracking it down i will pass on the info.

QKeySequence and QKeyEvent are the classes I was going to investigate, just
haven't had time yet.

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