[Qt-interest] phonon and rtsp mpeg4 stream

Aleksandar Lazic al-qtinterest at none.at
Tue Jun 16 19:20:44 CEST 2009

Dear Andrey,

On Mon 15.06.2009 10:03, Nechypurenko, Andrey (GE Healthcare) wrote:
>Hi Aleks,
>> Please, could anybody tell me if this is the right list for this
>You can try to play you stream with the following command:
>gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=rtsp://

Thanks for the answer ;-)

This works like mplayer and vlc, means ok.

>If it does not work, then it is probably more related to gstreamer
>(missing plugins, etc.) then Qt and gstreamer's mail list might be more
>appropriate to ask.

Ok looks to me for a call error in the app.

Does anybody have used the phonon with rtsp and gstreamer?



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