[Qt-interest] QCopChannel and QProcess.

simith nambiar simithn at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 17 11:30:57 CEST 2009

Hello all,
           I have decided to use QCopChannel to do IPC between 2 QT Processes.

The First QT Process, upon initialization creates a QCopChannel , and then creates the second QT Process(the Child) using the QProcess object, then the child QT Process sends messages using the static function send of QCopChannel, however they are not received at the parent. Can QCopChannel be used in such scenarios for Parent --> child communication ? If yes, then what am i doing wrong ?

The QCopChannel::isRegistered(channelName) returns true in the parent process, whereas it returns false in the child process. I feel i have missed something, please let me know.

Simith Nambiar

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