[Qt-interest] QToolBox outside a MainWindow in Qt Designer

Álvaro Morais alvarommorais at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 20:02:32 CEST 2009

Is there any way of implementing a QToolBox outside a MainWindow (for example 
in a QWidget) in Qt Designer. I can't find a way to do it in QT Designer and 
that doesn't make any sense.
QToolBox can still  be implemented outside Qt Designer. Although it's 
understandable that a QToolBar inside a QWidget has to have some features 
disabled (like the floating property, since it will break the purpose of having 
a toolbar inside a widget), some other features are very useful like the the 
setIconSize and setToolButtonSize, that re-size all toolbuttons with one line
of code.

Is there any reason why it can't be done in Qt Creator since it can be 
implemented with code, although it will break the overall design in Qt 
Creator, or am I missing something?

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