[Qt-interest] Qt 4.5.2 and Qt Creator 1.2 Released

nobody at trolltech.com nobody at trolltech.com
Thu Jun 25 12:39:11 CEST 2009

We're pleased to announce the release of updates to Qt:  the cross-platform 
application and UI framework, and Qt Creator: the new cross-platform Qt 
Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Both releases are available as part 
of a new build of the Qt SDK.  Also released are updates to the Qt Visual 
Studio Add-in and the Qt Eclipse Integration.

Customers will find the releases in their download areas. All new releases are 
also available for download from Qt's new domain at 

Qt 4.5.2
Qt 4.5.2 includes bugfixes and optimizations made since the release of Qt 
4.5.1. For detailed information, please consult the changes-4.5.2 file found in 
the packages, or browse the information contained in the Developer Zone at: 

Qt Creator 1.2 introduces a broad set of new features and improvements based 
on user feedback.  Of particular interest to Windows developers is new support 
for debugging applications using the Microsoft Visual Studio tool chain. For 
an overview of what's new in Qt Creator 1.2, visit http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-
creator/qt-creator/commits/1.2 or review the changes file at: 

Qt SDK BUILD 2009.3
Qt 4.5.2 and Qt Creator 1.2 are available in a new build of the Qt SDK (Build 
2009.3).  The Qt SDK contains everything needed to begin cross-platform 
development with Qt, and is freely available for download at 

The updated Visual Studio Add-in and Eclipse Integration are available for 
download separately from http://www.qtsoftware.com/downloads.

Any problems encountered with Qt 4.5.2 should be reported via the bug report 
form on the Qt Software website at http://qt.nokia.com/bugreport-form.  If you 
are a commercial Qt license holder, or have purchased Qt support, please 
contact qt-support at nokia.com.  

We hope you enjoy these releases!

The Qt Team

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