[Qt-interest] QTextDocument::drawContents() draw untranslated?

Josh jnfo-c at grauman.com
Thu Jun 25 19:54:27 CEST 2009


I'm trying to use QTextDocument::drawContents(&painter, view) to draw a 
document to a painter. It's clipping when I get too far in my document. 
I'm assuming this is because QPainter is limited by a short int, although 
I don't know that for sure. An easy solution would be if 
QTextDocument::drawContents() could draw "translated", rather than just 
clipped. For example, painter.drawPixmap() has a source and destination 
QRect. Any thoughts/ideas? I'd rather not have to draw to a QPixmap 
first... Thanks.

for (int page=0; page<pageCount; page++)
   QRectF view(0, page*pageHeight, pageWidth, pageHeight);

   painter.translate(0, -page*pageHeight);
   //I think when page gets too large this isn't working...

   document()->drawContents(&painter, view);
   //I would like this to have a source AND destination QRect

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