[Qt-interest] C++ + QT vs C#

Rick Vernam rickv at hobi.com
Thu Mar 19 04:22:41 CET 2009

On Wednesday 18 March 2009 9:27:50 pm Scott Aron Bloom wrote:
> Hope all you QT people like my numbers.. I'm pretty proud of them.
> So I've been working on a project for a client, and the previous
> consultant (who had to leave the project but Im friends with) is a C#
> guy... Loves C# etc etc...  Claims the performance is great and that Im
> full of $%#@ when I say Ill stick with C++ when and I need
> performance...  And even if I don't.. Ill still take C++ J
> In taking over the project, essentially we had to be able to read in a
> tab separated file, with a random header, and insert it into a new
> table, using the first row as the field names of the database.
> He wrote it in C# and had all but the insert into DB working.. Now.. I
> didn't like his style (he read the whole file in at once and then used a
> string splitter to split the lines...
> Initially its app sat at 450MB to read in the 118k rows due to having
> the whole thing in memory + each line in memory...
> Well we both wrote it to be read 1 line, process 1 line, maybe a bit
> slower... but not much..
>                 C++(Console) C++(GUI)                C#
> Memory before loading anything             6MB                       9MB
> 22MB
> Memory after reading each line
> and inserting into DB                                      6MB
> 9MB       180MB (love heap managers...)
> Memory after show db in GUI
> In QT using QSqlQueryModel and
> QAbstractTableModel                                   NA
> 12MB    450MB
> Runtime to load                with NO DB connection
> (release mode)                                 3s
> 3s            9s
> Runtime to load with DB inserts                                210s
> 210s       540s
> Runtime to show in GUI                                                NA
> .5s          3.3s
> Size of data...
> ~118k rows of 105 columns of ~50 filled columns.
> BTW.. I cant use BULK IMPORT commands because they are not SQL database
> agnostic.
> Scott

the numbers ARE nice...but, what we all want to know: does the world have one 
fewer C# guy, and one more C++ (+ Qt)?
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