[Qt-interest] Question on QTcpSocket & QTcpServer

David Boosalis david.boosalis at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 23:19:19 CEST 2009


I have an application that uses QTcpSocket on the client and the server uses
QTcpServer. Everything works fine if I do one request from the client to the
server, but I want to do multiple request and this is where it fails.

 // ok have caught the signal to tell me I am connected to the server. So
now I send my request(s)
 QByteArray block;
  qint64 numBytes;

  QDataStream out(&block,QIODevice::WriteOnly);

  out << (quint16) 0;
  out << (quint16) ServerMessage::GetUsers;
  out << (quint16) (block.size() - sizeof(quint16));
  numBytes = serverSocket->write(block);

   //I want to send another request and this is where I get an error on the
  out << (quint16) 0;
  out << (quint16) ServerMessage::GetProfiles;
  out << (quint16) (block.size() - sizeof(quint16));
  numBytes = serverSocket->write(block);

If I put debug lines in my client code above I get no errors.  However on
the serve side I get a socket disconnect followed by a connected and only
see the first request for users.
Can I not write to a socket with back to back calls like this.  I would
think they would be queued.  I was looking for something like a
socket->isReady() but could not find any such method.  Of course I could
bundle the two request to the server as one request, but was wondering what
I am not understanding about TcpSockets.

Any advise as to why my double request to the serve does not work is

I am using Qt 4.6 tpl1 by the way

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