[Qt-interest] Running the application

Thiago Macieira thiago at kde.org
Tue Apr 6 08:48:21 CEST 2010

Em Terça-feira 6. Abril 2010, às 08.25.21, Yuvraj escreveu:
> Hi Thiago,
>    I followed your steps.
>  Now i am getting new error,
> QScreenLinuxFb::connect: No such file or directory
> Error opening framebuffer device /dev/fb0

Hi Yuvraj

I'm getting frustrated with your emails. You found another error, ok.

But you forgot to post additional information. I'm not going to reply to such 
incomplete emails. You should have learned that by now.

Please include more information when posting emails, such as what you've tried 
to do to solve the problem. You're not allowed to post here before trying 

You've just pasted an error message that includes a filename and "No such file 
or directory". Please *read* the error message that you're pasting before 
sending the email. Can you guess what information I'm after? I don't want to 
waste my time asking you that.

What's more, you were having a problem with the fonts. Now you don't anymore. 
Please post what you did to solve the problem to the mailing list, because it 
might help future users searching the archives, but also because you may have 
done something wrong in the process.

Finally, may I suggest that you seriously consider hiring professional support 
for your project? It looks to me that you're a bit lost and you need someone 
dedicated to helping you.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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