[Qt-interest] Organizing error message strings

John Weeks john at wavemetrics.com
Tue Apr 6 18:34:01 CEST 2010

Hi, all!

I'm in the process of porting a very large application to Qt. There  
are thousands of error messages, and I'm trying to figure out the Qt  
way to organize such a large number of strings.

We need:

1) to be able to localize the messages, so it will involve using tr(),  

2) to retrieve the messages based on an error code. Something like:

QString msg = GetErrorMessage(errorcode)

3) to make it *easy* for developers to add new messages. If it's not  
easy, then they won't do it, and we get messages like "Syntax error"  
because they just use something that's already there.

I've thought about using something like

QMap<int, QString> messageMap
messageMap.insert(oneErrorCode, tr("You made a mistake"))

It would make look-up easy and fast, but it seems like this approach  
requires a lot of initialization at start-up. The problem, obviously,  
is entering and storing the strings in a way that makes for easy look- 

What have others done to solve this problem? Is there a "Qt Way" to do  

Regards, John Weeks

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