[Qt-interest] Is Qt the best choice for cross-platform desktop GUI applications? Mac OS X (Cocoa, Aqua)? KDE, GNOME, Windows 7

Jason H scorp1us at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 13 19:57:42 CEST 2010

My statement about Java may be premature, but it is not extremist.

Yes. Sun is dead. Oracle ate them (after they ate themselves). Rumors abound as to why Sun invented Java. I am a fan of they needed to suck up CPU power and sell more chips OR that they wanted a programing environment that would run on SPARC chips. being the OS underdog they needed developers to be writing platform independent apps. If they did Sun could sell them a much faster SPARC chip. (And Sun actually made hardware (chips) just for Java!)
MS completed the concept of Java with .Net (CLR/CLI). 
Industry momentum is for C#/.Net (Job postings)

I'm sure people will continue to use Java, but those are the same people who continue to use Perl. There also remains a niche market from the many more VM platforms supported by Java, which .Net doesn't support.
I hate both Java and .Net because they reinvented the wheel, for their own platforms, right as POSIX compliance was finally getting usable. Now, people ask "POSIX? What's that?"

----- Original Message ----
From: nobodyhere <pem.accounts.spam at gmail.com>
To: Nikos Chantziaras <realnc at arcor.de>
Cc: qt-interest at trolltech.com
Sent: Tue, April 13, 2010 12:44:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Qt-interest] Is Qt the best choice for cross-platform desktop GUI applications? Mac OS X (Cocoa, Aqua)? KDE, GNOME, Windows 7
@Jason: you really think Java is dead (ie, legacy like COBOL)?  That sounds kind of extremist?


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