[Qt-interest] Qt, DirectX and MultiThreading

Ender EREL erelender at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 15 09:30:34 CEST 2010

Hello everyone,

Yeah, i know, i am walking in very dangerous, murky waters here so if 
you want, you can close this message now. But if you like challenges, 
stay tuned in for a bucket-load of fun!

I am developing on Win7 using Qt 4.5.3 & MSVC2008.

We have a 3D Engine that uses DirectX and i am given the task of 
integrating this with Qt. My aim is to enable DirectX rendering on a 
QWidget surface. I completed this successfully by giving the HWND of my 
widget to the engine where my colleagues take over. Victory!

Everything was going perfectly, until i opened a modal dialog 
(QFileDialog to be exact), which stops the execution of Qt's Event Loop, 
which manages QTimers including the most important QTimer for me: the 
QTimer (a zero-timer) that triggers the DirectX rendering. I facepalm'd.

So, when a modal dialog is opened (or QApplication event-loop is blocked 
in some way) my rendering stops, which is not critical, but creates an 
unpleasant experience.

Then i decided to dive deeper into this. I said to myself: "Hey, why not 
trigger the rendering in another thread? Everthing will be perfect!". I 
was wrong.

Yes, this is the background part for my problem. here comes the unveiling:

When the app is first launched, everything is fine. Both threads (main & 
rendering) do their job happily. Until i interact with the GUI in any 
way. The main thread locks up but the rendering thread does its job nicely.

I did what any developer would do. I debugged. And found out that my 
main thread hangs at QRasterWindowSurface::flush(), line 185, where it 
calls BitBlt. Examining the stack trace, i saw that the widget that 
causes the hanging is not my DirectX Widget but its parent's parent, 
which is a top level window. I will paste the stack trace below, if 
anyone is still reading and wants to take a look.

Stack trace:

  [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for 
  QtGuid4.dll!QRasterWindowSurface::flush(QWidget * widget=0x01f90340, 
const QRegion & rgn={...}, const QPoint & offset={...})  Line 187
  QtGuid4.dll!qt_flush(QWidget * widget=0x01f90340, const QRegion & 
region={...}, QWindowSurface * windowSurface=0x0232ee28, QWidget * 
tlw=0x003efc18, const QPoint & tlwOffset={...})  Line 99
  QtGuid4.dll!QWidgetBackingStore::flush(QWidget * widget=0x00000000, 
QWindowSurface * surface=0x00000000)  Line 1344 + 0x27 bytes
  QtGuid4.dll!QWidgetBackingStore::endPaint(const QRegion & 
cleaned={...}, QWindowSurface * windowSurface=0x0232ee28, BeginPaintInfo 
* beginPaintInfo=0x003ed77c)  Line 384
  QtGuid4.dll!QWidgetBackingStore::sync()  Line 1317
  QtGuid4.dll!QWidgetPrivate::syncBackingStore()  Line 1605
  QtGuid4.dll!QWidget::event(QEvent * event=0x0206a358)  Line 7833

So, does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Or how this can be 

Thank you for your time,

Best Regards
Ender EREL

Next episode on murky waters: "DirectX rendering as background of 
QGraphicsView." In multithreaded vision!

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