[Qt-interest] Strange QGraphicsWidget problem

Thomas Fjellstrom tfjellstrom at shaw.ca
Thu Apr 15 14:02:50 CEST 2010

I've had to write a custom QGraphicsWidget to handle my game's game board 
due to QGraphicsView not allowing you to ignore translations on items, and 
Its finally mostly done. However I'm stuck with a bug I just can't figure 

When I scale my board up and down (zoom in and out) vigorously, it 
occasionally causes the actual board squares to render smaller than they 
should, but the outline thats drawn after the squares is the right size. 
Both use the exact same variables to define their position and overall size.

I've attached a file with the three most relevant functions out of the 20KB+ 
of code related to the issue (I can attach the raw files as well if needed).

Thank you

Thomas Fjellstrom
tfjellstrom at shaw.ca
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