[Qt-interest] The C++ language committee

Eirik Ulvik eiriku at simsurgery.com
Fri Apr 16 16:20:30 CEST 2010

Den 16.04.2010 16:03, skrev Gregory Seidman:
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 03:09:40PM +0200, Eirik Ulvik wrote:
> [...]
>> Secondly, a language should alway strive to get more people using it.
> [...]
> There are advantages to having a large community around a language, but in
> this day and age of easy electronic communication (and free compilers),
> that large community can be a widely dispersed, tiny fraction of the
> developer community as a whole. That's even more true for C++, since it
> also benefits from the C community. I don't agree with your premise that a
> language (or, rather, the community using the language, since the language
> itself is inanimate) "should always strive to get more people using it."

So this community of yours, who does it consist of? People using the
language of course, thus you need recruitment to the community.
Geographical dispersement has nothing to do with it. To reqruit people
the language should be easy to learn and attract people to it, IMO. The
fact that many people use a language is attractive for new developers.

>> There are also many other reasons for using c++ besides templates, eg.
>> compute intensive software.
> That's a reason for using C. C++ provides no advantage over C for
> computationally intensive software.

Most games today are written i C++, not C. Why? Because there are clear
advantages using C++, obviously. It gives you a possibility to use OOD
in compute intensive software. Compute intensive software does obviously
do more than just for-loops.

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