[Qt-interest] C++ or QML

BRM bm_witness at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 1 01:26:50 CEST 2010

----- Original Message ----

> I have finished the project 
> already and it works like it has to be. The discussion here is more about how 
> to improve things and the missing parts.

Glad to hear.

> > Is it really realistic to try to make the framework follow third
> > party interface of which they have no control?
> Absolutely, because the habits are known.
> And remeber...its an option...not more.It has to be activated by 
> the developer and i think most developers will agree here.
> If they don't need the feature, they dont use it. No difference.
> > The only way to provide true Excel support is to use an embedded Excel spreadsheet.
> > Anything else is unrealistic, IMHO.
> I totally disagree. It's the job of a framework to make the life
> easier and QT do this verry well.

This is an unrealistic picture. Now, if you are paying Nokia/Qt (or whatever vendor) explicitly to provide that support, that is one thing.
However, I doubt it is something very many developers look for, so any kind of priority of tracking how _other_ vendors do navigation would be so low on the priority list as to not even make it.
Think about it - having to track every little nuance how another party's product works?

Native navigation comes _most_ for free. Not so with tracking something like MS-Office/Excel, OpenOffice, IBM Symphony, KOffice, and the thousands of other productivity applications and spreadsheets out there.

The key here is that most will likely ignore it. So why bother? It's a lot of work for little to no payoff. A very minor feature that impacts very very few people.
Again - think about it: how many applications (aside from MS Office/Excel) behave exactly like Excel does for navigation? And how many of those are cross-platform and don't pull in the Excel ActiveX control?

>To embed excel in a cross
> plattform application is worser 
then worse. And only for navigation?
> No...this is very 
unrealistic, IMHO.

I agree for cross-platform applications; but it's more unrealistic to expect Nokia/Qt to provide something that 99.999% of their users won't use.
If you really think it has a high demand, then put together your little enhancement as an Add-on package and push it out - much like the Qt Solutions stuff is.



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