[Qt-interest] dataChanged() SIGNAL in proxy models

Mandeep Sandhu mandeepsandhu.chd at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 08:09:48 CEST 2010

> That's what I thought too, but on reading the docs again, it seems that's
> not right. That API is about delaying the layouting of items, not grouping
> of items.

Ok, that's a little reassuring. It was disheartening to see something
so simple not working in my prog! :)

But sad at the same time, since if this had worked it could've solved
another of my problem (and my second reason for using a proxy model).

I need to display a FS model in a tabular manner. Applying a proxy on
it seems to be one of the soln's.

Other than that, the only thing I can think of is to "read" the FS
model, one item at a time and then populate my own table mode
(subclassing a QAbstractTableModel as you suggested). But this seems
like a duplication of effort (as in the main task of read the FS is
already done by the QT FS model).

> I tried using other api like
>      view->setViewMode(QListView::IconMode);
>      view->setWrapping(true);
>      view->setGridSize(QSize(30, 20));
> but I couldn't make that work either.
> It seems like something that should be possible though, maybe someone else
> knows.

Ok. Thanks for trying.


> All the best,
> Steve.
>>>> The reason I'm doing this is because the source of the data is
>>>> returning a list but the display has to be tabular (I could still
>>>> extract the list data and populate a table model, but I though this
>>>> might turn out to be easier).
>>> If the choice really is between a proxy to turn the stuff into a table or
>>> implement your own model to structure the data in a tabular way in the
>>> first place, I still recommend the table model, not the proxy.
>> Ok. Will think about it.
>> Thanks,
>> -mandeep
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