[Qt-interest] Open software engineer position at INRIA Paris, France

Pierre Fillard pierre.fillard at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 12:23:17 CEST 2010

A junior software engineer position is available at the INRIA Saclay
Île-de-France (near Paris) within the Parietal research team (
http://parietal.saclay.inria.fr/). The engineer will contribute to develop
MedINRIA v2.0, a clinically-oriented image processing and visualization
software based on top of ITK, VTK and Qt.

I included a detailed job description at the end of this mail. The position
is available now.

Applications should be emailed to Pierre Fillard (Pierre.Fillard at inria.fr).

Pierre Fillard.*



MedINRIA software. Medical image processing. Advanced visualization.


 INRIA Saclay Île-de-France <http://www.inria.fr/saclay/>

Parc Orsay Université, 4 rue J. Monod,
91893 Orsay Cedex

*Scientific area***


*Research team*

PARIETAL <http://parietal.saclay.inria.fr/> research project


12 months, with a possible one year renewal

*Starting date*

Between October and December, 2010


0 to 3 years* of experience : 30,2K€

*Required qualification*

Master of Science or equivalent


INRIA, the French national institute for research in computer science is
dedicated to fundamental and applied research in information and
communication science and technology (ICST). By playing a leading role in
the scientific community in the field and being in close contact with
industry, INRIA is a major participant in the development of ICST in France.
INRIA has a workforce of 3 800 and approximately 1 000 doctoral students
work on theses as part of INRIA research project-teams.

The Parietal research project has three main objectives:

+ Understanding Brain
including work on diffusion MRI, anatomical MRI, and the joint analysis of
anatomical and functional feature

+ Statistical inference and classification for
comprising work on statistical analysis for multi subject analysis of
neuroimaging data, and the comparison of neuroimaging data with genetic or
behavioural information.

+ Decoding and modelling of brain function with fMRI
and inverse modelling of fMRI data

*Description of the work*

The software engineer will be in charge of the development of MedINRIA v2.0,
a cross-platform (Windows, Linux and MacOSX) clinically-oriented image
processing and visualization software. The engineer will be assigned three
main tasks:

   1. Contribute to the development of the core architecture of MedINRIA
   v2.0, participate actively to technical discussions and to the
   decision-making process, and suggest original solutions to technical
   2. Transfer the knowhow from existing libraries and softwares of the
   Parietal team into MedINRIA v2.0[1] <#_ftn1>, and assist Ph.D. students
   and researchers transferring theirs
   3. Ensure the diffusion of the software by writing documentation and
   tutorials, animate the user community, publish articles in medical journals,
   and promote it during conferences

  *Required skills and qualities*

·       Enthusiastic person, loving challenges and technology. Strong
interest in creating application for medicine.

·       Computer Science background, having a good understanding of the
classical tools used in a development project: source code versioning
system, compilers / debugging tools on the 3 targeted OS, testing and
automatic build systems

·       Programming Language C++. An excellence in C++ is mandatory for this

·       Good knowledge of Python

·       Priority is given to candidates having experience in: QT, VTK, ITK,

·       English spoken and written. French is a plus J

·       Familiar with the Design Patterns

·       Experience with Dicom file format and PACS system would be greatly

*To send an application*

The candidates must apply on line on INRIA Web site. The page dedicated to
recruitment is available at the following address:



Should you need further technical information about this position, please
contact :

Pierre.Fillard at inria.fr


[1] <#_ftnref1> http://www-sop.inria.fr/asclepios/software/MedINRIA/

Pierre Fillard, Ph.D.,
Research Scientist
INRIA Parietal - Neurospin
Bât 145, Point Courrier 156
91191 Gif/Yvette, France
tel: +33 1 69 08 79 92
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