[Qt-interest] QODBC bug!

Roland Tollenaar rwatollenaar at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 10:25:48 CEST 2010


I have discovered a bug in Qodbc.

Using an advantage database (yes its a rare one:) ) any field of type 
character of length 1 never gets pulled through to the qsqlquery used to 
  do a select call on it.

I.e. if the field(0) has a value "C" for example, 
query.value(0).toString() will return "".

All other conversion also show that there is nothing in the value.

Using the same ODBC driver for the advantage database the correct values 
get pulled into all other applications (excel for example).

So the problem is definitely in Qt and most probably in QODBC.

We are using qt 4.5.2 is there any way I can check the version of QODBC 
we are using to find out whether there is a later version.

Is there a manner to use later qodbc dreivers without updating to a 
later version of Qt?

Any help appreciated, this problem is serious for us. There are no 
obvious workarounds.

Kind regards,


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