[Qt-interest] multiple glwidget interaction

Sajjad dosto.walla at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 15:58:37 CEST 2010

Hello forum,

I have two separate classes inherited from QGLWidget and both  the classes
need to share and update the projection , modelview and inverse matrices .
These matrices are defines as follows:

I get  the modelview matrix by

glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview); And that modelview matrix will
be shared and updated by both the QGLWidget subclasses. I need to have the
following matrices declared, but not sure where to declare them.

GLdouble modelview[16]
GLdouble projection[16]
GLdouble inverse[16]

I have declared the above matrices in one of the widget and i need to pass
the contents of these matrices to another gl widget. Do i have to declare
another three arrays in that widget as well?

I also need to set several signal and slots, like when ever the any of the
matrices changes the matrices will be passed with  the corresponding slots.
The slots may be of the same widget or the other widget.

Any suggestion will be very helpful.

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