[Qt-interest] QTreeView and custom QAbstractItemModel performance problem

Jeroen De Wachter Jeroen.DeWachter at elis.ugent.be
Fri Jul 9 11:11:53 CEST 2010

On Fri, 2010-07-09 at 10:44 +0200, Felix Brack wrote:
> On 08.07.2010 16:35, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 08.07.10 16:09:52, Felix Brack wrote:
> >> On 08.07.2010 12:50, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >>> On 08.07.10 11:51:38, Felix Brack wrote:
> >>>> On 08.07.2010 10:58, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >>>>> On 08.07.10 10:14:11, Felix Brack wrote:
> >>>>>> By subclassing QAbstractItemModel I have create a custom model that
> >>>>>> stores data from a communication trace row by row. Every row has
> >>>>>> multiple columns such as a time stamp, the data traced from the
> >>>>>> communication, etc. The number of rows in the data model is limited,
> >>>>>> let's say to 100 rows. When adding row 101 it is appended and the first
> >>>>>> row (i.e. the one with the oldest data) is removed.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> To show the information to the user I use a QTreeView which shows each
> >>>>>> row of the data in the model line by line, i.e. the model is not
> >>>>>> hierarchic, all rows have the same parent (root) and consist of multiple
> >>>>>> columns.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Things are working so far but performance is very poor and the CPU load
> >>>>>> is incredible (even with just 100 rows). The reason for this is that
> >>>>>> whenever I append a row to the model the view calls the models 'data'
> >>>>>> member for all rows and all columns.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> It seems that I'm missing something fundamental here and that appending
> >>>>>> a row of data to my model looks for the view like the entire data has
> >>>>>> changed. I will have to change something so only the data from the newly
> >>>>>> append row is queried by the view.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I just don't know how to do that... Can anybody push me into the right
> >>>>>> direction?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Can you post your model implementation? It sure sounds like you're doing
> >>>>> the appending wrong, but without having a look at the code its not possible
> >>>>> to say what exactly is wrong.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> A blind guess could be that you're reset'ting you're model every time you
> >>>>> add a row instead of using begin/endInsertRows correctly. See the example
> >>>>> models in Qt.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Also I'd suggest to use a QTableView instead of QTreeView as that one is
> >>>>> significantly faster on non-tree structures (you can tweak it to have no
> >>>>> lines etc.) in case you ever get more than 100 rows.
> >>>>
> >>>> Hello Andreas,
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks for your response. The code below is my 'AppendRow' method. The
> >>>> variable 'm_Data' and 'm_IconKey' are just arrays containing the textual
> >>>> data as well as an icon that gets displayed in the first column.
> >>>>
> >>>> QModelIndex CMultiColumnListModel::AppendRow(QString IconKey,
> >>>> QStringList Data)
> >>>> {
> >>>>      beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_Data.size(), m_Data.size()) ;
> >>>>      m_Data.push_back(Data);
> >>>>      m_IconKey.push_back(IconKey);
> >>>>      endInsertRows();
> >>>>
> >>>>      if ((m_nMaxRows!=0)&&   ((int)(m_Data.size())>m_nMaxRows)) {
> >>>>        // remove oldest element from list
> >>>>        beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0);
> >>>>        m_Data.erase(m_Data.begin());
> >>>>        m_IconKey.erase(m_IconKey.begin());
> >>>>        endRemoveRows();
> >>>>      }
> >>>>
> >>>>      return index(m_Data.size()-1, 0);
> >>>> }
> >>>>
> >>>> Do you see any problem here?
> >>>
> >>> No, can't see anything obvious wrong. Could be the removal of the first
> >>> element is the culprit. In general the data() function of your model should
> >>> be as fast as humanly possible using as little computed data and as much
> >>> pre-computed data as you can get.
> >>>
> >>> Andreas
> >>>
> >>
> >> The removal operation in my AppendRow() function is only executed when
> >> there are more rows then m_nMaxRows. Setting m_nMaxRows to 200 however
> >> shows that the performance breakdown and the excessive CPU load occurs
> >> way before a row has to be removed (starting at approximately 20 rows).
> >>
> >> Well,I just changed my data() function to look as follows:
> >>
> >> QVariant CMultiColumnListModel::data(const QModelIndex&  Index, int
> >> nRole) const
> >> {
> >>     // sanity check
> >>     if (!Index.isValid()) {
> >>       return QVariant::Invalid;
> >>     }
> >>
> >>     if (nRole==Qt::DisplayRole) {
> >>       // return text data
> >>       return QString("Test");
> >>     }
> >>
> >>     // we do not support other roles for now
> >>     return QVariant::Invalid;
> >> }
> >>
> >> I know it is stupid but I can't think of a faster data() function. As I
> >> expected the problem is exactly the same: very slow with 100 rows and a
> >> CPU load of more then 50%.
> > 
> > Then you'll have to hit your app with a profiler, I don't see another way
> > of finding out where all those cpu-cycles are burnt (certainly not in that
> > data function).
> > 
> > Andreas
> > 
> Running the application with gprof shows what I already new. Here are the relevant parts of the gprof output:
> Flat profile:
> Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
>   %   cumulative   self              self     total           
>  time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name    
>  19.35      0.06     0.06                             CMultiColumnListModel::data(QModelIndex const&, int) const
>  16.13      0.11     0.05  2402663     0.00     0.00  QModelIndex::QModelIndex()
>   6.45      0.13     0.02  4736435     0.00     0.00  QModelIndex::isValid() const
>   6.45      0.15     0.02  1723103     0.00     0.00  QModelIndex::operator!=(QModelIndex const&) const
>   6.45      0.17     0.02   600548     0.00     0.00  QString::QString(char const*)
>   6.45      0.19     0.02   588369     0.00     0.00  QList<QString>::count() const
>   6.45      0.21     0.02   576803     0.00     0.00  std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList> >::size() const
>   4.84      0.23     0.01   573595     0.00     0.00  CMultiColumnListModel::rowCount(QModelIndex const&) const
> index % time    self  children    called     name
>                                                  <spontaneous>
> [1]     50.3    0.00    0.16                 MainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) [1]
>                 0.00    0.16     304/304         MainWindow::ShowTrace(bool, QString, int, bool, bool, bool, QString, int, int, QString) [2]
>                 0.00    0.00     912/613837      QString::~QString() [15]
>                 0.00    0.00       1/1           MainWindow::SlaveConnect() [78]
>                 0.00    0.00     912/9586        QString::QString(QString const&) [105]
> -----------------------------------------------
>                 0.00    0.16     304/304         MainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) [1]
> [2]     50.3    0.00    0.16     304         MainWindow::ShowTrace(bool, QString, int, bool, bool, bool, QString, int, int, QString) [2]
>                 0.00    0.15     304/304         CMultiColumnListModel::AppendRow(QString, QStringList) [3]
>                 0.00    0.01     608/1043        QStringList::~QStringList() [20]
>                 0.00    0.00    5472/613837      QString::~QString() [15]
>                 0.00    0.00    3952/3965        QStringList::operator<<(QString const&) [48]
>                 0.00    0.00    3344/600548      QString::QString(char const*) [12]
>                 0.00    0.00     304/1724219     QModelIndex::~QModelIndex() [22]
>                 0.00    0.00    1824/1824        QLatin1Char::QLatin1Char(char) [113]
>                 0.00    0.00    1824/1824        QChar::QChar(QLatin1Char) [114]
>                 0.00    0.00    1824/1824        QString::arg(int, int, int, QChar const&) const [116]
>                 0.00    0.00     304/307         QStringList::QStringList() [162]
>                 0.00    0.00     304/304         QTime::QTime() [169]
>                 0.00    0.00     304/736         QStringList::QStringList(QStringList const&) [128]
>                 0.00    0.00       1/1           MainWindow::SlaveDisconnect() [310]
> -----------------------------------------------
>                 0.00    0.15     304/304         MainWindow::ShowTrace(bool, QString, int, bool, bool, bool, QString, int, int, QString) [2]
> [3]     48.2    0.00    0.15     304         CMultiColumnListModel::AppendRow(QString, QStringList) [3]
>                 0.01    0.14     304/304         CMultiColumnListModel::index(int, int, QModelIndex const&) const [4]
>                 0.00    0.00     204/204         std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList> >::erase(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<QStringList*, std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList> > >) [28]
>                 0.00    0.00     304/304         std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList> >::push_back(QStringList const&) [33]
>                 0.00    0.00    1216/576803      std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList> >::size() const [14]
>                 0.00    0.00     812/2402663     QModelIndex::QModelIndex() [7]
>                 0.00    0.00     204/204         std::vector<QString, std::allocator<QString> >::erase(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<QString*, std::vector<QString, std::allocator<QString> > >) [68]
>                 0.00    0.00     304/304         std::vector<QString, std::allocator<QString> >::push_back(QString const&) [69]
>                 0.00    0.00     812/1724219     QModelIndex::~QModelIndex() [22]
>                 0.00    0.00     204/212         std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList> >::begin() [177]
>                 0.00    0.00     204/212         std::vector<QString, std::allocator<QString> >::begin() [178]
> -----------------------------------------------
>                 0.01    0.14     304/304         CMultiColumnListModel::AppendRow(QString, QStringList) [3]
> [4]     46.9    0.01    0.14     304         CMultiColumnListModel::index(int, int, QModelIndex const&) const [4]
>                 0.01    0.05  573595/573595      CMultiColumnListModel::rowCount(QModelIndex const&) const [6]
>                 0.01    0.04  573589/573589      CMultiColumnListModel::columnCount(QModelIndex const&) const [8]
>                 0.01    0.00  573595/2402663     QModelIndex::QModelIndex() [7]
>                 0.01    0.00  573589/1723103     QModelIndex::operator!=(QModelIndex const&) const [9]
>                 0.00    0.00  573589/1724219     QModelIndex::~QModelIndex() [22]
>                 0.00    0.00  573589/573589      QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(int, int, void*) const [99]
> -----------------------------------------------
>                                                  <spontaneous>
> [5]     38.4    0.06    0.06                 CMultiColumnListModel::data(QModelIndex const&, int) const [5]
>                 0.02    0.00 4736435/4736435     QModelIndex::isValid() const [11]
>                 0.02    0.00  597183/600548      QString::QString(char const*) [12]
>                 0.01    0.01  597183/613837      QString::~QString() [15]
> -----------------------------------------------
>                 0.01    0.05  573595/573595      CMultiColumnListModel::index(int, int, QModelIndex const&) const [4]
> [6]     19.5    0.01    0.05  573595         CMultiColumnListModel::rowCount(QModelIndex const&) const [6]
>                 0.02    0.00  575555/576803      std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList> >::size() const [14]
>                 0.01    0.00  575859/2402663     QModelIndex::QModelIndex() [7]
>                 0.01    0.00  575859/1723103     QModelIndex::operator!=(QModelIndex const&) const [9]
>                 0.00    0.00  575859/1724219     QModelIndex::~QModelIndex() [22]
> -----------------------------------------------
> I modified the application so it automatically stops adding rows
> after 300 rows (304 rows in the gprof output above).
> I think the absolute time consumed by one of these functions (i.e.
> the function's performance) is not really relevant here.
> The real problem is that 304 calls to the function AppendRow() generate
> more then halve a million of calls to rowCount(), columnCount(), etc. In fact
> every call to AppendRow() generates r*c calls to these functions where r is
> the number of rows and c is the number columns in my list.
> Limitting the number of rows in my list to 100 while the number of columns is
> constantly 12 will produce the following amount of calls to rowCount() etc.:
> roughly: 12*(100*(100+1))/2)+200*(100*12)= 275550
> This is not halve a million but quite close to it; the Qt framework will certainly
> do more calls then calculated.
> As I can see what's wrong I still can't figure out how to solve the problem. The
> huge amount of calls shown by the profiler are from the view updating always all
> cells of the list.
> The question is: why does the tree view update _all_ cells (potentially 1200 in my
> sample above) every time a row is added to the list?
> Felix

Is it at all possible that the issue is with the first row being removed
instead? I could imagine QTreeView not handling the shift in indexes
very well... (row 1 becomes row 0, etc.)

If QTreeView proceeds to get the data for all the "changed" rows, that
might explain the behaviour you're getting...

Could you try running your code without removing the first row? Just to
see what would happen?

Also: have you tried using a table view instead? Since it doesn't work
with parent/child relationships like QTreeView does, it might handle
rows being removed more gracefully... (I'm just guessing though, at this
point, haven't done any tests)



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