[Qt-interest] QTreeView and custom QAbstractItemModel performance problem

Felix Brack fb at ltec.ch
Fri Jul 9 11:41:08 CEST 2010

On 09.07.2010 11:11, Jeroen De Wachter wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-07-09 at 10:44 +0200, Felix Brack wrote:
>> On 08.07.2010 16:35, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>>> On 08.07.10 16:09:52, Felix Brack wrote:
>>>> On 08.07.2010 12:50, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>>>>> On 08.07.10 11:51:38, Felix Brack wrote:
>>>>>> On 08.07.2010 10:58, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>>>>>>> On 08.07.10 10:14:11, Felix Brack wrote:
>>>>>>>> By subclassing QAbstractItemModel I have create a custom model that
>>>>>>>> stores data from a communication trace row by row. Every row has
>>>>>>>> multiple columns such as a time stamp, the data traced from the
>>>>>>>> communication, etc. The number of rows in the data model is limited,
>>>>>>>> let's say to 100 rows. When adding row 101 it is appended and the first
>>>>>>>> row (i.e. the one with the oldest data) is removed.
>>>>>>>> To show the information to the user I use a QTreeView which shows each
>>>>>>>> row of the data in the model line by line, i.e. the model is not
>>>>>>>> hierarchic, all rows have the same parent (root) and consist of multiple
>>>>>>>> columns.
>>>>>>>> Things are working so far but performance is very poor and the CPU load
>>>>>>>> is incredible (even with just 100 rows). The reason for this is that
>>>>>>>> whenever I append a row to the model the view calls the models 'data'
>>>>>>>> member for all rows and all columns.
>>>>>>>> It seems that I'm missing something fundamental here and that appending
>>>>>>>> a row of data to my model looks for the view like the entire data has
>>>>>>>> changed. I will have to change something so only the data from the newly
>>>>>>>> append row is queried by the view.
>>>>>>>> I just don't know how to do that... Can anybody push me into the right
>>>>>>>> direction?
>>>>>>> Can you post your model implementation? It sure sounds like you're doing
>>>>>>> the appending wrong, but without having a look at the code its not possible
>>>>>>> to say what exactly is wrong.
>>>>>>> A blind guess could be that you're reset'ting you're model every time you
>>>>>>> add a row instead of using begin/endInsertRows correctly. See the example
>>>>>>> models in Qt.
>>>>>>> Also I'd suggest to use a QTableView instead of QTreeView as that one is
>>>>>>> significantly faster on non-tree structures (you can tweak it to have no
>>>>>>> lines etc.) in case you ever get more than 100 rows.
>>>>>> Hello Andreas,
>>>>>> Thanks for your response. The code below is my 'AppendRow' method. The
>>>>>> variable 'm_Data' and 'm_IconKey' are just arrays containing the textual
>>>>>> data as well as an icon that gets displayed in the first column.
>>>>>> QModelIndex CMultiColumnListModel::AppendRow(QString IconKey,
>>>>>> QStringList Data)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>       beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_Data.size(), m_Data.size()) ;
>>>>>>       m_Data.push_back(Data);
>>>>>>       m_IconKey.push_back(IconKey);
>>>>>>       endInsertRows();
>>>>>>       if ((m_nMaxRows!=0)&&    ((int)(m_Data.size())>m_nMaxRows)) {
>>>>>>         // remove oldest element from list
>>>>>>         beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0);
>>>>>>         m_Data.erase(m_Data.begin());
>>>>>>         m_IconKey.erase(m_IconKey.begin());
>>>>>>         endRemoveRows();
>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>       return index(m_Data.size()-1, 0);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Do you see any problem here?
>>>>> No, can't see anything obvious wrong. Could be the removal of the first
>>>>> element is the culprit. In general the data() function of your model should
>>>>> be as fast as humanly possible using as little computed data and as much
>>>>> pre-computed data as you can get.
>>>>> Andreas
>>>> The removal operation in my AppendRow() function is only executed when
>>>> there are more rows then m_nMaxRows. Setting m_nMaxRows to 200 however
>>>> shows that the performance breakdown and the excessive CPU load occurs
>>>> way before a row has to be removed (starting at approximately 20 rows).
>>>> Well,I just changed my data() function to look as follows:
>>>> QVariant CMultiColumnListModel::data(const QModelIndex&   Index, int
>>>> nRole) const
>>>> {
>>>>      // sanity check
>>>>      if (!Index.isValid()) {
>>>>        return QVariant::Invalid;
>>>>      }
>>>>      if (nRole==Qt::DisplayRole) {
>>>>        // return text data
>>>>        return QString("Test");
>>>>      }
>>>>      // we do not support other roles for now
>>>>      return QVariant::Invalid;
>>>> }
>>>> I know it is stupid but I can't think of a faster data() function. As I
>>>> expected the problem is exactly the same: very slow with 100 rows and a
>>>> CPU load of more then 50%.
>>> Then you'll have to hit your app with a profiler, I don't see another way
>>> of finding out where all those cpu-cycles are burnt (certainly not in that
>>> data function).
>>> Andreas
>> Running the application with gprof shows what I already new. Here are the relevant parts of the gprof output:
>> Flat profile:
>> Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
>>    %   cumulative   self              self     total
>>   time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name
>>   19.35      0.06     0.06                             CMultiColumnListModel::data(QModelIndex const&, int) const
>>   16.13      0.11     0.05  2402663     0.00     0.00  QModelIndex::QModelIndex()
>>    6.45      0.13     0.02  4736435     0.00     0.00  QModelIndex::isValid() const
>>    6.45      0.15     0.02  1723103     0.00     0.00  QModelIndex::operator!=(QModelIndex const&) const
>>    6.45      0.17     0.02   600548     0.00     0.00  QString::QString(char const*)
>>    6.45      0.19     0.02   588369     0.00     0.00  QList<QString>::count() const
>>    6.45      0.21     0.02   576803     0.00     0.00  std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList>  >::size() const
>>    4.84      0.23     0.01   573595     0.00     0.00  CMultiColumnListModel::rowCount(QModelIndex const&) const
>> index % time    self  children    called     name
>>                                                   <spontaneous>
>> [1]     50.3    0.00    0.16                 MainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) [1]
>>                  0.00    0.16     304/304         MainWindow::ShowTrace(bool, QString, int, bool, bool, bool, QString, int, int, QString) [2]
>>                  0.00    0.00     912/613837      QString::~QString() [15]
>>                  0.00    0.00       1/1           MainWindow::SlaveConnect() [78]
>>                  0.00    0.00     912/9586        QString::QString(QString const&) [105]
>> -----------------------------------------------
>>                  0.00    0.16     304/304         MainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) [1]
>> [2]     50.3    0.00    0.16     304         MainWindow::ShowTrace(bool, QString, int, bool, bool, bool, QString, int, int, QString) [2]
>>                  0.00    0.15     304/304         CMultiColumnListModel::AppendRow(QString, QStringList) [3]
>>                  0.00    0.01     608/1043        QStringList::~QStringList() [20]
>>                  0.00    0.00    5472/613837      QString::~QString() [15]
>>                  0.00    0.00    3952/3965        QStringList::operator<<(QString const&) [48]
>>                  0.00    0.00    3344/600548      QString::QString(char const*) [12]
>>                  0.00    0.00     304/1724219     QModelIndex::~QModelIndex() [22]
>>                  0.00    0.00    1824/1824        QLatin1Char::QLatin1Char(char) [113]
>>                  0.00    0.00    1824/1824        QChar::QChar(QLatin1Char) [114]
>>                  0.00    0.00    1824/1824        QString::arg(int, int, int, QChar const&) const [116]
>>                  0.00    0.00     304/307         QStringList::QStringList() [162]
>>                  0.00    0.00     304/304         QTime::QTime() [169]
>>                  0.00    0.00     304/736         QStringList::QStringList(QStringList const&) [128]
>>                  0.00    0.00       1/1           MainWindow::SlaveDisconnect() [310]
>> -----------------------------------------------
>>                  0.00    0.15     304/304         MainWindow::ShowTrace(bool, QString, int, bool, bool, bool, QString, int, int, QString) [2]
>> [3]     48.2    0.00    0.15     304         CMultiColumnListModel::AppendRow(QString, QStringList) [3]
>>                  0.01    0.14     304/304         CMultiColumnListModel::index(int, int, QModelIndex const&) const [4]
>>                  0.00    0.00     204/204         std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList>  >::erase(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<QStringList*, std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList>  >  >) [28]
>>                  0.00    0.00     304/304         std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList>  >::push_back(QStringList const&) [33]
>>                  0.00    0.00    1216/576803      std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList>  >::size() const [14]
>>                  0.00    0.00     812/2402663     QModelIndex::QModelIndex() [7]
>>                  0.00    0.00     204/204         std::vector<QString, std::allocator<QString>  >::erase(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<QString*, std::vector<QString, std::allocator<QString>  >  >) [68]
>>                  0.00    0.00     304/304         std::vector<QString, std::allocator<QString>  >::push_back(QString const&) [69]
>>                  0.00    0.00     812/1724219     QModelIndex::~QModelIndex() [22]
>>                  0.00    0.00     204/212         std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList>  >::begin() [177]
>>                  0.00    0.00     204/212         std::vector<QString, std::allocator<QString>  >::begin() [178]
>> -----------------------------------------------
>>                  0.01    0.14     304/304         CMultiColumnListModel::AppendRow(QString, QStringList) [3]
>> [4]     46.9    0.01    0.14     304         CMultiColumnListModel::index(int, int, QModelIndex const&) const [4]
>>                  0.01    0.05  573595/573595      CMultiColumnListModel::rowCount(QModelIndex const&) const [6]
>>                  0.01    0.04  573589/573589      CMultiColumnListModel::columnCount(QModelIndex const&) const [8]
>>                  0.01    0.00  573595/2402663     QModelIndex::QModelIndex() [7]
>>                  0.01    0.00  573589/1723103     QModelIndex::operator!=(QModelIndex const&) const [9]
>>                  0.00    0.00  573589/1724219     QModelIndex::~QModelIndex() [22]
>>                  0.00    0.00  573589/573589      QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(int, int, void*) const [99]
>> -----------------------------------------------
>>                                                   <spontaneous>
>> [5]     38.4    0.06    0.06                 CMultiColumnListModel::data(QModelIndex const&, int) const [5]
>>                  0.02    0.00 4736435/4736435     QModelIndex::isValid() const [11]
>>                  0.02    0.00  597183/600548      QString::QString(char const*) [12]
>>                  0.01    0.01  597183/613837      QString::~QString() [15]
>> -----------------------------------------------
>>                  0.01    0.05  573595/573595      CMultiColumnListModel::index(int, int, QModelIndex const&) const [4]
>> [6]     19.5    0.01    0.05  573595         CMultiColumnListModel::rowCount(QModelIndex const&) const [6]
>>                  0.02    0.00  575555/576803      std::vector<QStringList, std::allocator<QStringList>  >::size() const [14]
>>                  0.01    0.00  575859/2402663     QModelIndex::QModelIndex() [7]
>>                  0.01    0.00  575859/1723103     QModelIndex::operator!=(QModelIndex const&) const [9]
>>                  0.00    0.00  575859/1724219     QModelIndex::~QModelIndex() [22]
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> I modified the application so it automatically stops adding rows
>> after 300 rows (304 rows in the gprof output above).
>> I think the absolute time consumed by one of these functions (i.e.
>> the function's performance) is not really relevant here.
>> The real problem is that 304 calls to the function AppendRow() generate
>> more then halve a million of calls to rowCount(), columnCount(), etc. In fact
>> every call to AppendRow() generates r*c calls to these functions where r is
>> the number of rows and c is the number columns in my list.
>> Limitting the number of rows in my list to 100 while the number of columns is
>> constantly 12 will produce the following amount of calls to rowCount() etc.:
>> roughly: 12*(100*(100+1))/2)+200*(100*12)= 275550
>> This is not halve a million but quite close to it; the Qt framework will certainly
>> do more calls then calculated.
>> As I can see what's wrong I still can't figure out how to solve the problem. The
>> huge amount of calls shown by the profiler are from the view updating always all
>> cells of the list.
>> The question is: why does the tree view update _all_ cells (potentially 1200 in my
>> sample above) every time a row is added to the list?
>> Felix
> Is it at all possible that the issue is with the first row being removed
> instead? I could imagine QTreeView not handling the shift in indexes
> very well... (row 1 becomes row 0, etc.)
> If QTreeView proceeds to get the data for all the "changed" rows, that
> might explain the behaviour you're getting...
> Could you try running your code without removing the first row? Just to
> see what would happen?
> Also: have you tried using a table view instead? Since it doesn't work
> with parent/child relationships like QTreeView does, it might handle
> rows being removed more gracefully... (I'm just guessing though, at this
> point, haven't done any tests)
> Greets,
> Jeroen

The thing with the row shift was my first guess too, but profiling 
without removing the first (oldest) row has shown that every thing 
behaves identically - poor performance and high CPU load.

If there is really no solution to this I will give the table view a 
chance. Doing this however would mean to surrender. Furthermore one 
could say that Qt's TreeView is not able to manage a simple (100 to 500 
rows) dynamically changing list with 12 columns; something I simply 
can't believe (I have implemented this with native windows code and it 
works without any problem even with thousands of rows); this is why I'm 
sure that I just don't really understand the mechanics of the Qt 
framework. I'd rather think this problem is of type 'how could I be so 
stupid not to ...' once the solution is found.


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