[Qt-interest] how to hide the taskbar/dock icon?

Jeffery MacEachern j.maceachern at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 11:15:47 CEST 2010

On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Gabriele Kahlout
<gabriele at mysimpatico.com> wrote:
> and which class is that?

Sorry, to clarify: This isn't an area I'm very familiar with, but I
would be inclined to think that showing/hiding the app in the taskbar
would be done at the level of the (platform-specific) window manager,
not in the app itself.  The fact that you found posts suggesting
setting the window as a popup or splashscreen would seem to support
that, as they are generally handled differently.  If that's the case,
then I'm not sure if you can do what you want /directly/ in a
platform-independant fashion.
Can someone who actually knows what they're talking about tell me if
I'm correct on this?

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