[Qt-interest] Detecting mouseRelease w/o subclassing

Paul England pengland at cmt-asia.com
Sun Jul 11 07:31:45 CEST 2010

Thanks Andre.

>>So, I conclude you did not call the superclass's implementation from
your subclass? That usually fixes such issues.

I actually did.
void myHeader::sectionResized( int a, int b, int c )
    QHeaderView::sectionResized( a, b, c );
    emit( my_signal() );

But alas, I had the same issue.  It's very likely I did something else
wrong though.
It was a long day. :)

I actually got around the problem w/o calling the superclass'
I just had to do some calculating of my own to resize the widget.  But
down the road eventFilter (which I was unfamailiar with) will probably
good to know.


On 07/09/2010 05:19 PM, Andre Somers wrote:
> On 9-7-2010 5:23, Paul England wrote:
>> This is driving me up the wall.  I can't for the life of me figure out
>> why there are multiple signals which denote th estart of a mouse event,
>> but not a single one for the end?   Great.
>> Long story short:
>> QHeaderView::sectionResized( int, int, int ) is signalled way too much.
>> If I want to resize a section (and actually other sections based on that
>> one) the signal is called multiple times for each true resize.  I have a
>> nice subclassed QHeaderView, and when I reimplement mouseReleaseEvent()
>> and emit my own signal, it works, except there's some magic going on in
>> the base class's mouseReleaseEvent() (which ensures everything is the
>> right size).  So, in mine, I get this left over crap on the right side,
>> which is very unsightly.
> So, I conclude you did not call the superclass's implementation from 
> your subclass? That usually fixes such issues.
> If you don't want to subclass, but still listen in on the events, use an 
> event filter. See QObject::eventFilter and setEventFilter for more 
> information.
>> So, other than a QTimer (which would be pretty ghetto) and
>> reimplementation which I've found to be far too cumbersome for something
>> so simple, is there anything else I can check to tell if the mouse
>> button is still depressed when my slot is called?
> QApplication::mouseButtons return that, as Scott remarked.
> André
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