[Qt-interest] Scrollback in Qt Creator's Application Output Pane

Jeffery MacEachern j.maceachern at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 10:00:38 CEST 2010

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 12:42 AM, Andre Somers <andre at familiesomers.nl> wrote:
> On 10-7-2010 6:25, Jeffery MacEachern wrote:
>> Is there a way to enable infinite scrollback in the Application Output
>> Pane of Qt Creator?  My application for the N900 is reading sensor
>> data at a reasonably high sampling rate, and if something goes Very
>> Wrong with communication, the library spews out errors like there's no
>> tomorrow, rolling the scrollback buffer past the useful bits faster
>> than I can take any action.  I do realize that in this case, the best
>> solution would be to make the debug logging smarter, but that's a low
>> priority task for me at the moment.
>>      - Jeffery MacEachern
> AFAIK: no. And worse, a barrage of debugging output can clog up your
> entire QtCreator.
> One way to get around the issue would be to pipe the output to a file
> instead. That is practically endless. You can do that by running from
> the command line or perhaps even by modifying the run command for your
> project in Qt Creator. Downside is that you don't get the ouput in Qt
> Creator anymore (unless you manage to work around that with 'tee'?).

That's a good idea, and I probably could get tee to work with it.  I'd
prefer to log to a file in some cases anyway.

> What I sometimes do is to limit the number of messages a piece of code
> may generate. I also have pieces of code where the rule is: if it goes
> wrong once, it goes wrong thousands of times. So, I keep a static
> counter (in debug mode) that I use to limit how many times the error is
> outputted. After that, further errors are simply ignored. That usually
> works fine for me.

Thanks for suggesting that.  The short story of my situation is that
the library in question was written by someone I know who is currently
in an awkward time zone to get a hold of, so I didn't want to fiddle
too much with his code, as I'm not familiar with it.  That, however,
sounds trivial to do, and might actually be the most sensible
solution.  This is definitely in the category of "If it goes wrong
once...". :P

> André
> --
> Nokia Certified Qt Developer.
> Interested in Qt related job offers or freelance Qt consulting work.
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