[Qt-interest] Spell checker for Windows Qt application

Jeffery MacEachern j.maceachern at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 02:48:01 CEST 2010

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 5:39 PM, EXI-Kallihosur Ranga, Santosh
<santosh.kallihosurranga at boeing.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to incorporate spell-checking feature in a Windows Qt application. I
> want more or less all the features exist in Microsoft spell checker.
> If the spell checker is compatible to both Windows and Unix OS then its
> great.
> I knew that there is no spell checker available with in Qt.
> Any recommendations for Opersource spell-checker softwares which are already
> proven with QT applications. We will be looking for GNU GPL opensource
> softwares.
> I looked at the GNU aspell, But didn't much information on the windows
> integration. There may already be someone out there who has integrated this.
> Please share the information.

KDE seems to use aspell, so maybe talk to them about it - I assume
they use it on Windows too.

> Regards
> Santosh
> Thank You,
> Regards
> Santosh K.R
> (o):+1 206 766 4003
> (m):+1 201 815 3904
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