[Qt-interest] QODBC seems very slow connecting to MSSQL

Christian Dähn daehn at asinteg.de
Wed Jul 14 09:02:58 CEST 2010

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>>ODBC is and stays much slower than TDS and: I had to move to QODBC due to the dropped
>>support by Qt (I've patched the QTDS massively for SQL Server 2005 - so, if anybody needs
>>an up to date QTDS driver: ask me).
>I would greatly appreciate getting a copy of that :)
>Is it in a working state, or does it need extra work?

My last version of QTDS was from Qt 4.5.3 and some of my patches were applied by Nokia -
but not all.

I attached you the annotated patched version I send to Nokia (Bill King), last year.
The patch fixes some still open bugs, Nokia won't fix ever.

My QTDS version was tested against (and still runs in production environment at one of Germanies
biggest insurance companies) MS SQL Server 2005 and MS SQL Server 2008.


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