[Qt-interest] Embedding one QProcess in to another.

Santhosh Y santhosh at softjin.com
Wed Jul 14 13:53:35 CEST 2010


Please find the attached files with the e-mail.

In process.cpp file, I am trying to invoke the process built by 
textedit.cc (exe path I have given for QProcess)

I am trying to embed one QProcess into another process.

Here I tried to embed Qtextedit (Coming/invokin through  the Qprocess) 
into QMainWindow.

Is this possible?

Currently, I am seeing text editor first and on closing it only  I see 
I tried setting the parent of QProcess as my QMainWindow, but no luck.

Please tell me if the problem I am tring to describe here  is not clear.


Y Santhosh Kumar -
Senior Software Engineer,
SoftJin Technologies Pvt Ltd,

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