[Qt-interest] how to debug a deadlock

Matthias Pospiech matthias.pospiech at gmx.de
Wed Jul 14 14:29:52 CEST 2010

Atlant Schmidt schrieb:
> Matthias:
>   You might consider creating a thread whose sole function
>   is to manage a queue of messages to be sent to the DLL.
>   It would be designed to accept messages from all of your
>   other threads and do the correct serialization of them
>   before sending the messages onwards to the DLL.
>   That should avoid mutexes entirely.
That came also to my mind, however I I start implementing such a 
function, I could rewrite the whole dll.
The problem is mainly the time I have to do that. Rewriting the dll 
(which is 10+ years old, and not threadsave designed)
would be the best solution anyway.


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