[Qt-interest] Menu bar on QtCreator created GUI

OSProg osprog at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 00:30:37 CEST 2010

I hope I can send file here.
It looks like the QWidget takes all QMouseEvent-s and doesn't pass them to 

> On 14/07/10 20:33, Constantin Makshin wrote:
>> That's strange.
>> I've made a "quick and dirty" test application (see the attachment) and 
>> everything works as expected.
> Wow, cool, thanks! :)
> I think it has to do with parenting. Weird... I have to see what I can do.
>> By the way, your connect() call looks a bit weird, too ? the signal has a 
>> parameter, but the slot does not.
> The signal is that way, because the parameterless one is not emitted (I
> checked the source code), but I don't need the parameter.
> Regards,
> Oszkar
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 13:04:31 -0700
> From: "Malyushytsky, Alex" <alex at wai.com>
> Subject: Re: [Qt-interest] Menu bar on QtCreator created GUI
> To: "qt-interest at trolltech.com" <qt-interest at trolltech.com>
> Message-ID: <F8145CF983B4DB42855E9BB7F5BE8FCC48CE873E at camail2>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> There is nothing wrong, I guess you are missing something else.
> I think you can get such behavior if you specify wrong parent for example.
> Make small example which demonstrate your problem.
> Attach source code and post it.
> Regards,
>     Alex
> -----Original Message-----
> From: qt-interest-bounces at trolltech.com 
> [mailto:qt-interest-bounces at trolltech.com] On Behalf Of OS Prog
> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 8:08 AM
> To: qt-interest at trolltech.com
> Subject: Re: [Qt-interest] Menu bar on QtCreator created GUI
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 2:36 PM, OS Prog <osprog at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > ...
>>>> The problem is when I run this application. I can see "File" and
>>>> "Tools" texts on the QMenuBar, but when I click on them nothing
>>>> happens - like I'm not clicking on them. The menu doesn't appear
>>>> (this drop-down menu that should appear when you click on them with
>>>> all the actions on it..).
>>> Okay, now I understand the problem. But are you really sure that nothing 
>>> at all is displayed? Not even a tiny empty rectangle (the actual menu 
>>> with no items in it)? And I mean really small, like a few pixels in 
>>> height... this would indicate that the changes you did in Qt Creator - 
>>> adding the menu items - are not reflected in either the *.ui file (you 
>>> did not save) or the generated files (they are not re-generated or 
>>> compiled/linked).
>> Nothing is displayed. Absolutely nothing. Even a pixel.
>> The changes are applied, I think, as I've added the QMenu and the
>> QActions on it at the same time and then I've build the code - The
>> menu text is there but didn't worked. So I assume that files are
>> generated correctly and I'm using the right build.
>>> Also, are you sure you are not mixing up your debug/release binaries? 
>>> Maybe you are building in release mode, but are starting the (outdated) 
>>> debug binary?
>> Yes, the release folder is empty and I'm working only on debug one...
>>> Anyway, I still assume that after you did your changes in Qt Creator 
>>> that the resulting files are not properly auto-generated. Are you using 
>>> qmake? I strongly assume so (since you mentioned Qt Creator). Make sure 
>>> that in your *.pro file the UI files are proplery declared:
>>> FORMS += YourMainWindow.ui
>> They are.
>>> qmake then takes care of the necessary steps (uic'ing, moc'ing). Do a 
>>> 'make clean' (or in Qt Creator: right-click on the project(s) and 
>>> "Clean") and see if that makes a difference...
>> I've done it. Even I've cleaned all remaining files after 'clean' step
>> manually and I've rebuild it.
>> BTW, I've noticed that for the first time in Qt4.5 (don't remember
>> QtCreator version) few months ago, but I worked around doing the menu
>> stuff in the code, rather on the designer. Now I'm using Qt4.7b1 and
>> QtCreator 1.3.83.
>> I've tried building it on few machines (XP and Vista) - it's the same.
>> Regards
>> Nik
> I've payed a bit to find out more.
> It happened if I create a QWidget in the MainWindows constructor.
> You can reproduce it if you create a MainWindow GUI with the creator
> and put some menubar items on it.
> Then in the MainWindow constructor, just after the
> ui->setupUi(this);
> put:
> QWidget *wdg = new QWidget(this);
> So, the question is: What's wrong putting the QWidget on this place
> with parent MainWindow?
> Best regards,
> Nik
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