[Qt-interest] problems changing application font when stylesheet is set

Sarvesh Saran Sarvesh.Saran at synopsys.com
Thu Jul 15 16:17:57 CEST 2010


I have set my application style sheet:

//in main.cpp

QApplication a(argc, argv);

MyMainWindow w;

a.setStyleSheet("**here tree widget and group box is styled**");

//so far so good.

Now in my mainwindow ,  I have a font dialog to change the application's font size:

void MyMainWindow::on_action_Font_triggered()
QFont font = QFontDialog::getFont(
                 &ok, QFont(default_family,default_size), this);
    if(ok) {
        qApp->setFont(font);  //this statement seems to have no affect on the application..the font is not changed

I'm not sure how to change an applications font whose style sheet has been specified already..

Kindly help me out here.

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