[Qt-interest] Multiple QSqlTableModel instances for the same table

Noah noah at pcc.com
Mon Jul 19 23:34:13 CEST 2010

Petric Frank wrote:
> Hello,
> i have a question. If i do at different locations (given default connection is 
> established to a database) in the same application:
> Location 1:
> QSqlTableModel * model_1 = new QSqlTableModel (this);
> model_1->setTable ("TestTable");
> Location 2:
> QSqlTableModel * model_2 = new QSqlTableModel (this);
> model_2->setTable ("TestTable");
> model_2->setData (.....)
> Does model_1 recognize that the data of the table he is assigned to have been 
> updated ?
> EditStrategy is set to OnFieldChange on both instances.
> regards
>   Petric

No, model_1's data will only get populated when you explicitly call 
Select() or a related function or after a commit.

You could have your database emit a notification when that table is 
updated, use QSqlDriver::subscribeToNotification() to catch it, and then 
connect the notification signal to a slot that calls model_1->select(). 
QSqlTableModel definitely doesn't automatically update in real time though.

  - Noah

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